Dr Andrew Costanzo

Lecturer in Food and Nutrition

Dr Andrew Costanzo is a lecturer in nutrition science and a researcher at the CASS Food Research Centre at Deakin University. His area of research explores how different tastes and taste perceptions influence food intake and satiety. He has expertise in human trials and using genetic research models, such as twin studies, to learn more about how taste perception varies from person to person​

Dr Costanzo’s area of research is around how taste perception varies among individuals and how this variation in taste perception affects nutrition and food intake. He has expertise in sensory evaluation methodology, conducting human trials, and utilising complex genetic research models to determine the contribution of genetic and environmental effects on traits.​


Professional History​

Dr Costanzo previously worked at Simplot Australia in 2013. He then completed his PhD at Deakin University in 2018. He has since been working as a lecturer at Deakin University.​


  • Australian Centre of Excellence in Twin Research Travel Grant 2016 ​
  • Australian American Oil Chemists Society Student Travel Grant 2017​
  • Nutrition Society of Australia Student Travel Grant 2017​
  • Best Presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of Australia in conjunction with APCCN 2017​


Research Focus​

Dr Costanzo is focussing on developing novel appetite suppressants by manipulating taste receptors. He has currently shown that oral exposure to a high load of a fat taste stimulant can decrease the feeling of hunger. ​

Publication Highlights​

Keast RS, Costanzo A. Is fat the sixth taste primary? Evidence and implications. Flavour. 2015 Dec;4(1):1-7.​


Skills and Research area

Sensory evaluation methodology, human trials, food intake, twin studies, genetic research models​