Current research studies

We run a variety of both long- and short-term studies. Some studies may require participants who meet certain selection criteria. Are you interested in participating?

Are you interested in participating?

The CASS research team run a variety of both long- and short-term studies. Some studies may require participants who meet certain selection criteria, such as age, gender, specific food liking or consumption, and exercise habits to name a few.

Are you interested in participating? As a participant. you may be asked to complete online questionnaires or surveys about your food habits, liking and consumption, in-person taste tests, virtual and augmented reality scenarios, sensory testing, focus groups and more!

One of our most popular long-term study is our consumer snack food testing! As a tester, you will be invited to participate in various consumer product tastings and exciting research trials – previous tests have involved chocolate, rice and strawberries!

We are currently running the below studies, some of which we are recruiting participants for. If you are interested in participating, feel free to get in touch with the associated researcher.


Discover how to become part of the CASS Sensory and Consumer Database by checking out the information at the bottom of this page!

Join the CASS Food Research Centre Sensory and Consumer Database!

As well as the current studies above, you can register as a sensory and consumer taste tester for the Deakin University CASS Food Research Centre Database. By signing up to become a member of the database, you will be informed of any CASS studies that you may be eligible to participate in. The CASS Consumer and Sensory Database is a Deakin University ethics approved project (HEAG-H 95_2021).


  • 18 + years of age
  • Currently live in Australia

Have questions about the database? Contact us at

Prior to registering your details, please carefully read the Plain Language Statement and provide consent.
Click here to view Plain Language Statement and register!