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Food Files for Food Australia and AIFST

Words by Associate Professor Gie Liem, Dr Andrew Costanzo and Dr Dan Dias.

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The effect of gastrointestinal bitter sensing on appetite regulation and energy intake: A systematic review

Hassan, L; Newman, L; Keast, Russell; Danaher, J; Biesiekierski, JR (2023). The effect of gastrointestinal bitter sensing on appetite regulation and energy intake: A systematic review. Deakin University. Journal contribution.

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Taste but not smell sensitivities are linked to dietary macronutrient composition

Abeywickrema, S; Ginieis, R; Oey, I; Perry, T; Keast, Russell; Peng, M (2023). Taste but not smell sensitivities are linked to dietary macronutrient composition. Deakin University. Journal contribution.

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Temporal patterns in taste sensitivity

Andrew Costanzo, Temporal patterns in taste sensitivity, Nutrition Reviews, 2023, nuad097,

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The Effects of Acute Sleep Curtailment on Salt Taste Measures and Relationships with Energy-Corrected Sodium Intake: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial with Methodology Validation

Du, C.; Keast, R.; Tan, S.-Y.; Tucker, R.M. The Effects of Acute Sleep Curtailment on Salt Taste Measures and Relationships with Energy-Corrected Sodium Intake: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial with Methodology Validation. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 4140.

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Oral Exposure to Sodium Chloride without Subsequent Consumption Does Not Alter Salt Taste Function in Adults: A Cross-Over Intervention Study

Isabella Hartley, Nanna Riis, Djin Gie Liem, Russell Keast,
Oral Exposure to Sodium Chloride without Subsequent Consumption Does Not Alter Salt Taste Function in Adults: A Cross-Over Intervention Study,
The Journal of Nutrition, 2022, ISSN 0022-3166,

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Systematic review of the odorous volatile compounds that contribute to flavour profiles of aquatic animals

B Jones, M Rocker, R Keast, D Callahan, H Redmond, R Smullen, D Francis
(2022), Vol. 14, pp. 1418-1477, Reviews in Aquaculture, London, Eng., C1

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The effect of gastrointestinal bitter sensing on appetite regulation and energy intake: A systematic review

R Ginieis, S Abeywickrema, I Oey, R Keast, M Peng. (2022), Vol. 99, pp. 1-16, Food Quality and Preference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, C1

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Food Files for Food Australia and AIFST

Words by Professor Russell Keast and Associate Professor Gie Liem

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Maltodextrin‑Based Carbohydrate Oral Rinsing and Exercise Performance: Systematic Review and Meta‑Analysis

Hartley, C., Carr, A., Bowe, S.J. et al. Maltodextrin-Based Carbohydrate Oral Rinsing and Exercise Performance: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Med (2022).

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Food Files for Food Australia and AIFST

Words by Professor Russell Keast, Associate Professor Gie Liem, PhD Candidate Damian Nandorfy (Australian Wine Research Institute) and Dr Leigh Francis (Australian Wine Research Institute).

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Carbohydrate Taste Is Associated with Food Intake and Body Mass in Healthy Australian Adults

Costanzo A, Settapramote N, Utama-Ang N, Wanich U, Lewin S, Keast R. Carbohydrate Taste Is Associated with Food Intake and Body Mass in Healthy Australian Adults. Nutrients. 2021 Oct 28;13(11):3844. doi: 10.3390/nu13113844.

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