consumer acceptance of rice

Understanding the extent a single attribute affects overall liking.

Understanding the extent a single attribute affects overall liking can assist companies determine specific changes to increase liking of a product.


Aromatic rice contains a key compound (2-Acetyl-1-Pyrroline (2-AP)) that associates with perceived quality of rice. Our client wanted to determine the perception and attitudes of sophisticated rice consumers and determine the concentration of 2-AP in their rice compared to competitor grown rices on a sensory level and maximise the retention of 2-AP during processing.


Our approached utilised a traditional, but robust consumer study. CASS recruited n=160 sophisticated rice consumers. Consumers attended the CASS Sensory Laboratory located in Burwood and completed the study in isolated booths with standardised methodology to minimise variables.


Drivers of liking, penalty plot. Consumers are not homogenous in what they like and what they consider to be ideal. Using a penalty plot analysis, CASS was able to investigate liking, preference and purchase intent of each sample. Using Just-About-Right (JAR) methodology in combination with choice questions, we were able to segment consumers and identify which attributes affected consumer liking of the various rice samples. For example, one consumer segment had a particular rice aroma as “too low”, a second segment as “too high”. The penalty plot showed that in both cases the aroma did not influence overall liking of the rice samples meaning the focus on 2-AP was not required. It did identify that sticky texture was the most dominant attribute influencing liking.



Consumer appeal. The results allowed our client to understand what attributes appealed to their consumers and what specific changes were required to increase liking. While volatiles and aroma is important, it was determined that the primary attribute influencing liking was texture.

Targeted marketing. The client was able to market rice varieties based on texture that satisfy specific consumer segments.

Confidence. Our client gained confidence in understanding their consumer attitudes and preferences of rice varieties prior to sending them to domestic and international markets.

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Food Files for Food Australia and AIFST

April-June 2021
Words by Prof Russell Keast, A/Prof Gie Liem, Dr Georgie Russell and Dr Andrew Costanzo

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