Claudia Hartley

PhD Candidate

Claudia is a PhD candidate at the CASS Food Research Centre investigating carbohydrate taste sensitivity and the link between carbohydrate oral rinsing and exercise performance.

Claudia is a PhD candidate at the CASS Food Research Centre. She holds a Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Sciences (Honours) from Deakin University. Claudia’s PhD project focuses on investigating carbohydrate taste (particularly individual carbohydrate taste sensitivity) and how carbohydrate oral rinsing can influence exercise performance. Her PhD project is part of a Cotutelle program with the University of Copenhagen and Claudia looks forward to completing one of her PhD studies in Copenhagen.



Hartley, C.; Keast, R.S.; Liem, D.G. The Response of More Health Focused and Less Health Focused People to a Physical Activity Calorie Equivalent Label on Discretionary Snack Foods. Nutrients 2019, 11, 525.


Research Areas and Skills

Carbohydrates; Carbohydrate Oral Rinsing; Exercise Performance